The doctrine of mental attitude in phase two


            1. In the angelic conflict and during the course of man’s history there are two antithetical mental attitudes. These two mental attitudes conflict in the soul of every believer. They are described in Isaiah 55:7-9.

            2. What you think is what you really are. You are not what you appear to be, you are what you think in your soul, Proverbs 23:7.

            3. It is obvious from the scriptures that the divine viewpoint is commanded of every believer priest, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5. This can only be fulfilled by the daily function of GAP resulting in doctrine in the right lobe, the erection of the ECS, and the rapid entrance into the supergrace life.

            4. Since doctrine in the mind of Christ such intake under GAP shapes the mental attitude, 1 Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5.

            5. God’s plan, operation grace, demands a new mental attitude on the part of the believer priest, 2 Timothy 1:7.

            6. The inner happiness of the ECS, plus entrance into supergrace, produces capacity for the divine viewpoint of life, Philippians 2:2.

            7. Part of divine viewpoint is that confidence which results in the inculcation of Bible doctrine through GAP, 2 Corinthians 5:1 cf verses 6 and 8.

            8. Stability, therefore, is a mental attitude, Philippians 4:7; 2 Thessalonians 2:2.

            9. Giving is a mental attitude, 2 Corinthians 9:7.

            10. Love is a mental attitude of the soul, 1 Corinthians 13:5. Therefore capacity for love is resolved in the soul.

            11. Worldliness is the human viewpoint mental attitude rather than overt activity — it is thinking the way Satan wants you to think, Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:2.

            12. Evil is something you think, not something you do, Matthew 9:4; Galatians 6:3. The doing results from the thinking.

            13. mental attitude sins are the worst category and not only produce reversionism but along the way they produce self-induced misery, Proverbs 15:13.


            The doctrine of mental attitude

            1. Definition.

                        a) Mental attitude is the function of the right lobe or the heart of the believer.

                        b) The sum total of all thought impulses which emanate from the launching pad of the believer’s right lobe are called viewpoint.

                        c) If the thought emanating from the right lobe is human viewpoint then it is an expression of cosmic norms and standards of life. It is an expression of the Satanic side of ruling cosmos diabolicus.

                        d) The antithesis is divine viewpoint or the expression of biblical norms and standards of life.

                        e) Every thought impulse of the believer can be categorised basically as divine or human viewpoint.

            2. The real you is what you think. What a person thinks in the right lobe of his soul is what he really is. Mental attitude, therefore, determines both the character and the life of any individual. Mental attitude determines both your character and capacity for life. To think you must have a vocabulary. Thinking is the real personality — Proverbs 23:6,7. The passage portrays hypocrisy as the background for principle. In a person a person thinks hatred, implacability, but he or she invites you to sit down and eat. The real person is not the one who offers you the hospitality but the one who thinks hatred and implacability toward you. A person can appear to be on the surface to be hospitable, gregarious and nice, and inside to be a vicious person. Thinking is the real personality.

            3. The conflicts of mental attitudes in the believer. Every believer is a walking battlefield. This often explains why, at least for a while, some Christians are quite kooky, get mixed up in a hurry. It is because they have an inner conflict of mental attitudes. This is described for us in Isaiah 55:6-9 — “Seek the Lord while he may be found [positive volition toward doctrine in time], call upon him while he is near” — the principle of prayer and other spiritual dynamics related to the believer — “Let the reversionist forsake his way [negative volition toward doctrine], and the unrighteous man [reversionist] his thoughts [human viewpoint], and let him return to the Lord [reversion recovery], and he will have compassion on him; and to our God; and to our God; for he will abundantly pardon.” The reversionist has a bad mental attitude. He is full of mental attitude sins and he is a complainer. if anyone ought to forsake their way it is the reversionist. What is his way? Negative volition toward doctrine producing complicated results in his life. “And the unrighteous man his thoughts” — the most dangerous thing in your soul are your thoughts when you are in reversionism. The thoughts go through and through until they make you a kook, and all of the psychotic problems and the neurotic problems that exist right now, and all of the people who are truly mentally ill are mentally ill because of the thoughts that course through the soul.

            “For my thoughts [divine viewpoint] are not your thoughts [human viewpoint], neither are my ways [the ways of God] your ways [reversionism].”

            “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

            4. The command to divine viewpoint. Since doctrine is the mind of Christ, as per 1 Corinthians 2:16, attitude toward doctrine determines viewpoint of life — Philippians 2:5, “Keep on having this mental attitude in you which was also in Christ Jesus” — a reference to His humanity and a reference that He had a maximum saturation of doctrine. This command is obeyed by the consistent and daily function of GAP. Maximum doctrine in the soul is the only source of divine viewpoint and our only protection. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 tells us what our attitude and what our concept in the royal family should be — “(For the equipment and the weapons of our conflict are not human attributes” — we are fighting in the greatest of all warfares, the angelic conflict, older than the human race, and we are not fighting it with human attributes. The power is in the soul — “but the attributes of power [resident doctrine in the soul] through God against the destruction of fortifications)” — Satan’s fortifications, Satan’s concepts. Satan has many fortifications in the world today, e.g. the United Nations, the concept of socialism, communism, the ideologies of the day. Therefore these fortifications cannot be destroyed by a good punch or counter punch, these things are in a greater warfare and a warfare that demands the skill of the soul. The skill of the soul is our mental attitude based on doctrine resident in the soul — “assaulting and demolishing cosmic thoughts [human viewpoint], and every obstacle of pride which attacks against the objective of knowledge of God [divine viewpoint], and makes a prisoner of every human viewpoint system of thought to the authority of Christ;” — in other words, your greatest fighting capabilities in the angelic conflict are in your soul. You can have a weak body and be totally out of it as far as your physical body is concerned and you can have the most dynamic powerful attack. You possess in your soul the great capabilities for fighting. However, like any good weapon, the soul has to be loaded; and loading and locking is Bible doctrine in the soul. You have to load the weapon — “holding in readiness to punish all deviation from obedience [reversionistic human viewpoint], when your obedience [daily function of GAP] has been fulfilled.” So the whole principle is that we must load up this great weapon that God has given us, the human soul.

            5. Rapport in the royal family is also based on divine viewpoint — Philippians 2:2, “Fill up the deficiency with inner happiness, that you keep on thinking the same thing [divine viewpoint], having the same love, soul rapport, in thinking.” Love is a mental attitude. Soul rapport in thinking is the basis for love. What is love? It is soul rapport in thinking. So the power of anything that is great in life, the dynamics of everything that is wonderful in life, is based upon what goes on in the soul.”

            6. The function of the royal priesthood, therefore, demands a new mental attitude — 2 Timothy 1:7, “For god has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power [resident doctrine], love [the capacity for life which comes from that doctrine], and stabilised mentality” — nobility is based upon stabilised mentality. Romans 12:2 — “”And stop being conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, namely that the will of God is good, and acceptable, and perfect.”

            7. Divine viewpoint from doctrine produces confidence — 2 Corinthians 5:1, “For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down [physical death], we have a building from God [resurrection body], a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” Verse 6 — “Therefore, we keep having confidence, and knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.” As long as we live in this life we can have great confidence based upon knowing. Verse 7 — “(For we walk by doctrine [our confidence] resident in the soul, and not by sight). Our whole instrument system is doctrine resident in the soul. Verse 8 — “We keep having confidence, and take mental delight in the fact that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord.” So consequently, everything in life that is important for the member of the royal family of God, his nobility, his impact, his dynamics, his glorification of the Lord, is related to what goes on in his soul, what he thinks in his mind.

            8. The areas of life involving mental attitude.

                        a) Stability is a mental attitude — James 1:8.

                        b) Prosperity is a mental attitude — Philippians 4:7.

                        c) Giving is a mental attitude — 2 Corinthians 9:7.

                        d) Worldliness is a mental attitude — Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:2.

                        e) Evil is a mental attitude — Matthew 9:4.

                        f) Arrogance is a mental attitude — Galatians 6:3.

                        g) “Therefore, as many as are mature, let us continue objective-type thinking [the result of being spiritually mature], and if you think differently in anything at all [and you do], this also will God reveal — Philippians 3:15.” In other words, the answer to divine viewpoint, the answer to the dynamics of objective thinking is all bound up in Bible doctrine.